Janhvi Kapoor, daughter of late Sridevi had made her debut to the silver screen with the film Dhadak which was a remake of Marathi film Sairat. The film was a successful venture at the box office and the actress is currently busy in shooting for Takht which also stars Ranveer Singh, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Alia Bhatt, Vicky Kaushal, Janhvi Kapoor and Anil Kapoor in the lead roles. As we all know that Bollywood celebs feel it as a prestigious to be on the couch of Karan in the show Koffee with Karan.
Currently, season 6 has started and Janhvi had made her debut to Koffee with Karan on last Sunday along with his brother Arjun Kapoor. The show went on a good note with funny elements where both the siblings' couple had shared about their personal and professional life and how they had overcome from that situations. Janhvi had won the rapid fire round and win the hamper while Arjun had won the gaming round.
Janhvi in the rapid-fire round when Karan had asked one day when she woke up as some other person whom she wants to be? She has replied saying that she wants to be like Vijay Deverakonda and wants to act with her. And, when Karan said Vijay Deverakonda is the actor who had acted in the film Arjun Reddy which is currently remade in Hindi with Shahid Kapoor and Vijay is the superstar in the young generation actors in Tollywood, Janhvi interrupted and said he a terrific actor too.
Janhvi Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor
Janhvi had given hints that she wants to act with Vijay Deverakonda who had recently back on track with the film Taxiwaaala. The actor is busy with the hand full of projects and we need to wait and see when she will be acting with the Deverakonda.
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