Hebah Patel, the young actress had made her debut to Tollywood with the film Ala Ela which was released in 2014. Post her debut film the actress has acted in few successful films and currently the actress is waiting to make a comeback and coming up with the film 24 Kisses. Director Ayodhkumar Krishnamsetty who had made the critically acclaimed film Minugurulu has directed this film which stars Aditi Arun in the lead role. The film is slated for the release on 23rd November and the actress is busy in the promotions of the film. In one of her interviews, when the interviewer asked about her crush the actress has revealed that Superstar Mahesh Babu is her crush and when he asked who she like most among the top stars of Tollywood, she has replied saying, Mahesh Babu. The trailer of the film looks stunning and on this note, we wish Hebah Patel a huge success for her upcoming film 24 Kisses and hoping that she will bounce back with this film.
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